Moskovkin russkij yazik

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Metodika prepodavaniya inostrannykh jazykov. Shanghai, Shanhayskoe obrazovatel’noe izdatel’stvo inostrannykh yazikov Publ., 2011. Materialy XII Kongressa mezhdunarodnoy assotsiatsii prepodavateley russkogo yazika i literatury “Russkiy yazik i literatura vo vremeni i prostranstve”. Metody obucheniya v istorii prepodavaniya russkogo yazika kak inostrannogo (teoriya i praktika). O znachimosti issledovaniy po istorii metodiki. Keywords: Russian teaching methodology, teaching methods, stages of development of teaching methodologyġ. On the basis of introducing and absorbing advanced foreign language teaching modes abroad, China has combined the modes with Russian teaching situation in China to form a Russian teaching methodology research system with Chinese characteristics. It has been deeply influenced by different teaching schools in Russia, Europe and America, among which grammar-translation method, conscious-comparative method, and conscious-practice method exert the deepest influence on Russian teaching in China.

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Russian teaching in China has a centuries-old history.

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